The 3rd International Gem and Jewelry Conference (GIT 2012)
“Challenging New Era of Gemological World”
December 12th - 16th, 2012
Bangkok, Chanthaburi -Thailand and Pailin - Cambodia

On behalf of the GIT 2012 organizing committee, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all presenters and
participants for the invaluable contributions you made at our recent GIT 2012 conference. We certainly hope that
the GIT 2012 conference has been more than what you expected for, and that you have taken such opportunity to make
new friends, renew old acquaintances and to discuss and exchange many experiences and opinions among researchers
from around the world. Just to summarized what was happening briefly :

December 12th - 13th, 2012
The technical part of the conferencein Bangkok attracted over 400 participants from 28 countries around the world
with over 90 presentations (48 orals and 45 posters) including 6 renowned international keynote speakers:

                             1. Gaetano Cavalieri, President of the World Jewellery Confederation (CIBJO)
                             2. Wilson K.W. Yuen, President of International Colored Gemstone Association (ICA)
                             3. Pornsit Sriorathaikul, Chairman of Beauty Gems Group
                             4. Christopher W. Corti, Managing Director of COReGold Technology Consultancy
                             5. Cynthia Unninayar, Editor in Chief of CIJ Trends & Colours
                             6. Pedro de Aranda, Chairman and CEO of Prologue Group

December 14th - 16th, 2012
The conference was followed by three days post-conference excursion to Chanthaburi and Pailin, Cambodia with over
90 participants. The excursion program included experiencing the remarkable gemological sites such as gem mines
at Khao Ploi Waen and Pailin, river-bed panning and local gem markets in Pailin, visiting the Chanthaburi Gem & Jewelry
Traders Association and the Gem Fair, and the World Sapphire Gallery as well as local temples in Chanthaburi and Pailin.

We do appreciate once again all participants, presenters, supporting organizations, sponsors, and conference staff
for your efforts to make this conference possible. This conference would not have been a success without you and
we hope to see you again in the GIT 2014!


Conference Program | Excursion Handbook | Photo Gallery